Fast & Flexible Cloud VPS Instances

We offer high quality Cloud VPS with the best price-to-performance ratio (featuring NVMe SSDs, and a truckload of RAM and traffic) so you can build more for less.

    Cloud VPS - Get the Best Cloud VPS in India


    Cloud VPS 1

    • 8 vCPU
    • 32 GB RAM
    • 500 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    Cloud VPS 2

    • 12 vCPU
    • 64 GB RAM
    • 1000 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    Cloud VPS 3

    • 16 vCPU
    • 128 GB RAM
    • 2000 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    Cloud VPS 4

    • 32 vCPU
    • 256 GB RAM
    • 4000 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    Cloud VPS 5

    • 64 vCPU
    • 512 GB RAM
    • 8000 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    Cloud VPS 6

    • 128 vCPU
    • 1024 GB RAM
    • 10000 GB Raid 60 (SSD)
    • 1 Gbps Network
    • Noida
    • 24 x 7 Support

    What Makes Webyne Unique?

    No matter which service you choose, we deliver the best Server experience.

  • Guaranteed Upto 100% Power & Network Uptime
  • Monitored in Real-Time
  • 24/7/365 Customer Support
  • 15 days money back Guarantee
    Cloud vps

    Why Choose Us

    Power your digital transformation with WDC

    Work with experts who have decades of specialized data center expertise and hands-on experience in assessing, enabling, migrating, optimizing, and deploying IT infrastructure, networks and cloud architectures.

    Support Team

    What We Do

    Plug into the world from India

    Our agency can only be as strong as the people our team, following age, has run their businesses.

    20+ Data Centers

    10+ Locations

    10000+ Customers

    Our free consultation is the first step toward
    your success

    Grow Business with Managed Cloud Servers from Webyne

    At Webyne, we specialize in delivering top-tier Managed Cloud Servers tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Our Cloud VPS solutions empower enterprises with scalable, reliable infrastructure that adapts seamlessly to fluctuating demands. Whether you’re launching a new venture or expanding an established enterprise, our vps cloud server provide the robust performance and flexibility required to thrive in today’s digital landscape.
    Our Cloud VPS hosting services combine advanced technology with expert support, ensuring your applications and data are always secure and accessible. With Webyne, you gain access to a VPS Cloud Server environment designed for optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness. We prioritize uptime and reliability, offering a VPS Server Cloud platform that guarantees superior performance and minimal downtime.
    Experience the difference with Webyne’s Cloud Server solutions, where innovation meets reliability to drive your business forward. Whether you require managed services or self-managed options, our cloud hosting expertise ensures you have the resources you need, when you need them. experience the power of flexible, scalable vps server cloud with Webyne today.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Our virtual private servers do not support nested virtualization. But, our cheap, but powerful, dedicated servers and affordable virtual dedicated servers allow you to run your own VMs.

    Each Cloud VPS plan is pre-configured to give you the most bang for your buck, so you’re not able to customize or change the hardware specs of your plan. But, you can upgrade to a better configuration or increase storage as recommended in your plan.

    You can manage your Cloud VPS using a variety of tools, including:

    Control panels: Many Cloud VPS hosting providers offer control panels like cPanel, Plesk, or Webmin for easy management of server settings, files, and applications.
    Command-line interface (CLI): Experienced users can manage their VPS using SSH (Secure Shell) access and command-line tools for greater control and customization.

    Yes, VPS hosting is often recommended for e-commerce websites due to its reliability, scalability, and security features. It provides the performance and control necessary to handle online transactions, manage inventory, and ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers.

    Managed cloud servers offer scalability, reliability, and enhanced security features compared to traditional hosting solutions. They also offload technical management tasks to the service provider.

    Cloud VPS hosting provides scalability, cost-efficiency, and reliability by allowing users to easily scale resources as needed, pay for only what they use, and benefit from redundant infrastructure.

    Key features include scalable resources (CPU, RAM, storage), automated backups, seamless migration, and 24/7 technical support.