Cloud migration

Cloud Migration

Starting your cloud journey can be confusing, like choosing a path in a vast maze. But fear not! Before diving in, take a breath and evaluate each of your tasks (think of them as your "workloads") one by one. Each task needs a unique approach to move smoothly to the cloud.

Here's where WDC Tech comes in. We've mastered the art of finding the perfect migration path for each task. We help you build a clear, winning plan that gets you the most out of your cloud investment, fast.

Think of us as your cloud Sherpas! We create custom plans to fit your business goals, keeping risks, disruptions, and downtime to a minimum. Our experts will thoroughly assess your entire IT system and handle the entire migration process for your tasks and applications.

So, ditch the confusion and let's move to the cloud with confidence!

Confused about moving your business to the cloud?

We can help! Our experts will take a close look at your current IT setup, including your software, servers, and network. With this information, we'll create a clear and unbiased plan to move you to the cloud securely and smoothly.

Here's what we'll do:

  • Inventory check: We'll list all your applications, computers, and network connections to see what needs to move.
  • Platform pick: We'll recommend the best cloud service (like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure) for your specific needs.
  • Security first: We'll design a cloud setup that keeps your data safe and meets your security requirements.
  • Cost estimate: We'll predict how much it will cost to run your business in the cloud, with no surprises.
  • Moving plan: We'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to move your applications to the cloud safely and efficiently.

Ready to ditch the IT headaches and enjoy the benefits of the cloud?

Contact us today!

Don't stress about moving to the cloud, we've got you covered!

Confused about which cloud works best for your apps? Don't worry, we'll help you choose the right one for each and then smoothly move them over for you.

Not sure how to get started? Join our workshops where our experts will analyze your apps and figure out:

  • Which ones are best suited for the cloud (not all need to go!)
  • The best way to migrate them (simple copy-paste or complete rebuild?)
  • A clear plan to get you there without headaches

Want to test the waters first? No problem! We can help you migrate a single important app to ease your mind and show you the benefits.

Worried about things going wrong? Relax, our experts will take care of everything:

  • Making sure your apps, data, and network are ready
  • Moving everything over seamlessly
  • Getting you up and running smoothly in the cloud

Stop stressing and start enjoying the power of the cloud. Contact us today!